
Course Code etc
Academic Year 2024
College College of Community and Human Services
Course Code IC323
Theme・Subtitle 新座をフィールドとして地域学を実践する
Class Format Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)
Class Format (Supplementary Items)
Campus Lecture
Campus Niiza
Semester Fall semester
DayPeriod・Room Tue.3・N854
Credit 2
Course Number CMC2100
Language Japanese
Class Registration Method Lottery Registration
Grade (Year) Required 配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。
prerequisite regulations
Acceptance of Other Colleges 履修登録システムの『他学部・他研究科履修不許可科目一覧』で確認してください。
course cancellation 〇(履修中止可/ Eligible for cancellation)
Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit
Relationship with Degree Policy 各授業科目は、学部・研究科の定める学位授与方針(DP)や教育課程編成の方針(CP)に基づき、カリキュラム上に配置されています。詳細はカリキュラム・マップで確認することができます。
Notes 2023年度以降入学者対象
Text Code IC323

【Course Objectives】

The goals of this course are to
(1) Deepen understanding and interest in the area around the Niiza Campus through dialogue with various guest speakers in Niiza.
(2) Learn the basic methods and tools to research regions and local communities.
(3) Cultivate the independence and research ability by conducting a survey on the area of interest and making presentations and discussions with students.

【Course Contents】

Regionology is the study of how a region is formed in the connection between time and space (Yamashita 2020). Based on the following two characteristics, this course aims to give mutual intellectual stimulation to teachers and students by approaching regional studies from various angles.

(1) Invitation to regional studies through dialogue with guest speakers: To learn about Niiza, where the Niiza Campus is located, from various angles, historical researcher familiar with Niiza and Musashino, staff of Niiza City Hall, priest of temple engaged in social activities, and representative of NPO working on support for the elderly and people with disabilities. The above eight guest speakers will have a dialogue with teachers and students.

(2) Attempt of regional studies by students: In parallel with (1), ask the students to research on a common theme, explore local issues and resources, and suggest a solution, with the advice of the teachers. Finally, a presentation will be held between the students and teachers.

※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.