日本語 English
開講年度/ Academic YearAcademic Year |
20232023 |
科目設置学部/ CollegeCollege |
異文化コミュニケーション学部/College of Intercultural CommunicationCollege of Intercultural Communication |
科目コード等/ Course CodeCourse Code |
DM603/DM603DM603 |
テーマ・サブタイトル等/ Theme・SubtitleTheme・Subtitle |
授業形態/ Class FormatClass Format |
対面(全回対面)/Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)Face to face (all classes are face-to-face) |
授業形態(補足事項)/ Class Format (Supplementary Items)Class Format (Supplementary Items) |
授業形式/ Class StyleCampus |
校地/ CampusCampus |
池袋/IkebukuroIkebukuro |
学期/ SemesterSemester |
春学期/Spring SemesterSpring Semester |
曜日時限・教室/ DayPeriod・RoomDayPeriod・Room |
金2・5322/Fri.2・5322 Fri.2・5322 |
単位/ CreditCredit |
22 |
科目ナンバリング/ Course NumberCourse Number |
ICC2430 |
使用言語/ LanguageLanguage |
日本語/JapaneseJapanese |
履修登録方法/ Class Registration MethodClass Registration Method |
科目コード登録/Course Code RegistrationCourse Code Registration |
配当年次/ Grade (Year) RequiredGrade (Year) Required |
配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。 |
先修規定/ prerequisite regulationsprerequisite regulations |
他学部履修可否/ Acceptance of Other CollegesAcceptance of Other Colleges |
履修中止可否/ course cancellationcourse cancellation |
オンライン授業60単位制限対象科目/ Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper LimitOnline Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit |
学位授与方針との関連/ Relationship with Degree PolicyRelationship with Degree Policy |
備考/ NotesNotes |
基礎科目(一般) |
テキスト用コード/ Text CodeText Code |
DM603 |
- To think of others, and at the same time to think of oneself: this is a basic and unique way of thinking of cultural anthropology.
- Explain fieldwork and ethnography as essential methodological tools for cultural anthropological studies.
- Identify some epistemological and ontological problems of considering categories such as "culture", "society" and "ethnicity" as solid facts.
Cultural anthropologists are those who do fieldwork and write ethnography. They have shown diversity of human life all over the globe, and at the same time have explained universal phenomenon across different cultures. What underlies anthropologists' such endeavor is their willingness not only to try to understand and accept what is unknown, but also to defamiliarize their taken-for-grantedness.
This course reviews general topics and methodologies of cultural anthropology and focuses on some research examples of cultural diversity and universality. Participants will find some ways to discover alterity within themselves through knowing other people's way of doing and being.
※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.
- To think of others, and at the same time to think of oneself: this is a basic and unique way of thinking of cultural anthropology.
- Explain fieldwork and ethnography as essential methodological tools for cultural anthropological studies.
- Identify some epistemological and ontological problems of considering categories such as "culture", "society" and "ethnicity" as solid facts.
Cultural anthropologists are those who do fieldwork and write ethnography. They have shown diversity of human life all over the globe, and at the same time have explained universal phenomenon across different cultures. What underlies anthropologists' such endeavor is their willingness not only to try to understand and accept what is unknown, but also to defamiliarize their taken-for-grantedness.
This course reviews general topics and methodologies of cultural anthropology and focuses on some research examples of cultural diversity and universality. Participants will find some ways to discover alterity within themselves through knowing other people's way of doing and being.
1 | 第1回 文化人類学とは:視点の独自性 |
2 | 第2回 北米総合人類学における文化相対主義:ボアズとその弟子 |
3 | 第3回 フィールドワークと民族誌:マリノフスキとフラハティ |
4 | 第4回 多様なつながり(1):ヌアー族における牛の交換と戦争 |
5 | 第5回 多様なつながり(2):親族、出自、縁組、インセストタブー |
6 | 第6回 多様なつながり(3):交叉イトコ婚とサブスタンス |
7 | 第7回 普遍の思考(1):レヴィ=ストロースと神話 |
8 | 第8回 普遍の思考(2):言語と儀礼 |
9 | 第9回 未知に対処する(1):キリスト教と人類学 |
10 | 第10回 未知に対処する(2):呪術、科学、宗教 |
11 | 第11回 未知に対処する(3):コロンブスとクック船長 |
12 | 第12回 共に生きる(1):インディオの気まぐれな魂 |
13 | 第13回 共に生きる(2):アマゾニア先住民と多自然主義 |
14 | 第14回 共に生きる(3):集団範疇論 |
板書 /Writing on the Board
スライド(パワーポイント等)の使用 /Slides (PowerPoint, etc.)
上記以外の視聴覚教材の使用 /Audiovisual Materials Other than Those Listed Above
個人発表 /Individual Presentations
グループ発表 /Group Presentations
ディスカッション・ディベート /Discussion/Debate
実技・実習・実験 /Practicum/Experiments/Practical Training
学内の教室外施設の利用 /Use of On-Campus Facilities Outside the Classroom
校外実習・フィールドワーク /Field Work
上記いずれも用いない予定 /None of the above
種類 (Kind) | 割合 (%) | 基準 (Criteria) |
平常点 (In-class Points) | 100 |
授業ごとのコメント提出(5点×14回=70点)(70%) 最終レポート提出(30点)(30%) |
備考 (Notes) | ||
その他 (Others) | |||||
授業時に必要に応じて資料を配付する。 |
No | 著者名 (Author/Editor) | 書籍名 (Title) | 出版社 (Publisher) | 出版年 (Date) | ISBN/ISSN |
1 | 桑山敬己・綾部真雄(編著) | 『詳説 文化人類学』 | ミネルヴァ書房 | 2018 | 9784623082711 |
2 | 松村圭一郎・中川理・石井美保(編著) | 『文化人類学の思考法』 | 世界思想社 | 2019 | 9784790717331 |