
Course Code etc
Academic Year 2023
College University-wide Liberal Arts Courses (Comprehensive Courses)
Course Code 多彩6/総合自由
Theme・Subtitle 他者のリーダーシップ開発
Class Format Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)
Class Format (Supplementary Items)
Campus Ikebukuro
Semester Fall semester
DayPeriod・Room Wed.4・X306
Credit 2
Course Number CMP2640
Language Japanese
Class Registration Method
Grade (Year) Required 配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。
prerequisite regulations
Acceptance of Other Colleges
course cancellation
Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit
Relationship with Degree Policy
Notes ・2016年度以降1年次入学者:多彩な学び科目
Text Code FV141

【Course Objectives】

The goal of this lecture is to “cultivate students capable of learning and practicing theories of leadership development”. The goal is to cultivate students capable of improving both their and others’ leadership.

(1) Understand mechanisms of acquiring leadership.
(2) Understand methods to develop leadership.
(3) Aim to practice promoting leadership development in others.

【Course Contents】

 In general, this lecture touches on 3 topics. The first is to understand mechanisms of acquiring leadership. Specifically, students will understand theories about “how people grow” and the process of acquiring leadership.

The second is to understand methods to develop leadership. Specifically, students will understand theories about “how to participate in and promote other people’s growth” and learn about methods and skills to participate in facilitation and coaching.

The third is to practice promoting leadership development in others. Students will not only understand these theories in their minds but also interact with other and practice these theories. The class will be conducted with lectures and group works.

 Furthermore, “leadership development in others” as defined by this class include variety of targets such as subordinates, colleagues, seniors, and bosses. In addition, normally “leadership development in others” is not achieved alone. It is done by recognizing organizations and bosses’ goals and collaborating with them. This class will be conducted based on the perspective of “leadership development in others” described above.

※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.