
Course Code etc
Academic Year 2023
College College of Contemporary Psychology
Course Code other registration
Class Format Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)
Class Format (Supplementary Items)
Campus Niiza
Semester Spring Semester
DayPeriod・Room Thu.4・N846
Credit 2
Course Number BEC3320
Language Japanese
Class Registration Method "Other" Registration
Grade (Year) Required 配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。
prerequisite regulations
Acceptance of Other Colleges
course cancellation
Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit
Relationship with Degree Policy
Text Code HN331

【Course Objectives】

The aim of this course is to enable students to develop the knowledge and methodology to research and analyze films and animation in addition to learning how to analyze texts. Students will develop and delve into their own questions regarding moving images and the body. The course will enhance students’ ability to verbalize their ideas.

【Course Contents】

The course will examine both films and animation. Students will spend the first half of the course reading texts and the second half giving presentations. All students will be required to summarize the content of the text for each reading session. Based on their summaries, students will take part in small-group and full-class discussions to foster a deeper understanding of the text. Students taking the course will be required to have an accurate understanding of the argument of the text and further deepen their understanding with the aim of developing their own ideas. Lectures on research methodology will also be provided as necessary. By mastering research methods and actively analyzing texts, students will develop the foundations for independent learning and research. Through these works, students will develop their own ideas and find research themes. Furthermore, students will practice verbalizing and writing down their thoughts, as well as communicating them to others through presentations, written reports, and feedback.

※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.