日本語 English
開講年度/ Academic YearAcademic Year |
20242024 |
科目設置学部/ CollegeCollege |
経済学部/College of EconomicsCollege of Economics |
科目コード等/ Course CodeCourse Code |
BX272/BX272BX272 |
テーマ・サブタイトル等/ Theme・SubtitleTheme・Subtitle |
イノベーションの経済学 |
授業形態/ Class FormatClass Format |
対面(全回対面)/Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)Face to face (all classes are face-to-face) |
授業形態(補足事項)/ Class Format (Supplementary Items)Class Format (Supplementary Items) |
授業形式/ Class StyleCampus |
講義/LectureLecture |
校地/ CampusCampus |
池袋/IkebukuroIkebukuro |
学期/ SemesterSemester |
春学期/Spring SemesterSpring Semester |
曜日時限・教室/ DayPeriod・RoomDayPeriod・Room |
土2・5123/Sat.2・5123 Sat.2・5123 |
単位/ CreditCredit |
22 |
科目ナンバリング/ Course NumberCourse Number |
ECX2810 |
使用言語/ LanguageLanguage |
日本語/JapaneseJapanese |
履修登録方法/ Class Registration MethodClass Registration Method |
科目コード登録/Course Code RegistrationCourse Code Registration |
配当年次/ Grade (Year) RequiredGrade (Year) Required |
配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。 |
先修規定/ prerequisite regulationsprerequisite regulations |
他学部履修可否/ Acceptance of Other CollegesAcceptance of Other Colleges |
履修登録システムの『他学部・他研究科履修不許可科目一覧』で確認してください。 |
履修中止可否/ course cancellationcourse cancellation |
〇(履修中止可/ Eligible for cancellation) |
オンライン授業60単位制限対象科目/ Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper LimitOnline Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit |
学位授与方針との関連/ Relationship with Degree PolicyRelationship with Degree Policy |
各授業科目は、学部・研究科の定める学位授与方針(DP)や教育課程編成の方針(CP)に基づき、カリキュラム上に配置されています。詳細はカリキュラム・マップで確認することができます。 |
備考/ NotesNotes |
テキスト用コード/ Text CodeText Code |
BX272 |
In traditional neoclassical economics, companies were handled as a black box for a long time. That is because in a perfectly competitive market the players exist as perfect machines that continue to realize maximum profits at minimum expense. Today however, just as in the case of market failures, the view of companies that there are inefficiencies inside a business organization is again becoming a focal point for economic debate and in a more active way than previously. This lecture will focus on this new movements in economics regrading companies and will present a theoretical platform for understanding contemporary companies by combining this discussion with a discussion of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. In other words, the objective of this lecture is to nurture an economics perspective for interpreting contemporary companies.
Innovation is an indispensable word for contemporary companies. This is because it is generally believed that to succeed, a company must be successful at innovation. So today people are searching for answers to what is innovation and how can you be successful at it. This lecture explains the recent economics business theories to deepen student understanding the economic analytical perspective for companies. An additional aim is to use an economics framework to understand innovation in contemporary companies and the entrepreneurial spirit. This is only possible by clarifying the vague innovation concepts and the corresponding objective theoretical system.
※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.
In traditional neoclassical economics, companies were handled as a black box for a long time. That is because in a perfectly competitive market the players exist as perfect machines that continue to realize maximum profits at minimum expense. Today however, just as in the case of market failures, the view of companies that there are inefficiencies inside a business organization is again becoming a focal point for economic debate and in a more active way than previously. This lecture will focus on this new movements in economics regrading companies and will present a theoretical platform for understanding contemporary companies by combining this discussion with a discussion of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. In other words, the objective of this lecture is to nurture an economics perspective for interpreting contemporary companies.
Innovation is an indispensable word for contemporary companies. This is because it is generally believed that to succeed, a company must be successful at innovation. So today people are searching for answers to what is innovation and how can you be successful at it. This lecture explains the recent economics business theories to deepen student understanding the economic analytical perspective for companies. An additional aim is to use an economics framework to understand innovation in contemporary companies and the entrepreneurial spirit. This is only possible by clarifying the vague innovation concepts and the corresponding objective theoretical system.
1 | 問題の所在 |
2 | 研究開発 |
3 | シュンペーター |
4 | 全要素生産性 |
5 | 生産関数 |
6 | 新古典派企業 |
7 | イノベーション |
8 | シュンペーター仮説 |
9 | 企業家精神 |
10 | X-非効率性 |
11 | 企業行動仮説 |
12 | 組織慣性 |
13 | 内部非効率性 |
14 | 結論と課題 |
板書 /Writing on the Board
スライド(パワーポイント等)の使用 /Slides (PowerPoint, etc.)
上記以外の視聴覚教材の使用 /Audiovisual Materials Other than Those Listed Above
個人発表 /Individual Presentations
グループ発表 /Group Presentations
ディスカッション・ディベート /Discussion/Debate
実技・実習・実験 /Practicum/Experiments/Practical Training
学内の教室外施設の利用 /Use of On-Campus Facilities Outside the Classroom
校外実習・フィールドワーク /Field Work
上記いずれも用いない予定 /None of the above
準備学習の指示は履修登録完了後にCanvas LMS上にて履修者に対して行う。各自確認して予習すること。
種類 (Kind) | 割合 (%) | 基準 (Criteria) |
筆記試験 (Written Exam) | 100 | |
備考 (Notes) | ||
No | 著者名 (Author/Editor) | 書籍名 (Title) | 出版社 (Publisher) | 出版年 (Date) | ISBN/ISSN |
1 | 關智一 | 『イノベーションと内部非効率性』 | 白桃書房 | 2017 | 4561267026 |
No | 著者名 (Author/Editor) | 書籍名 (Title) | 出版社 (Publisher) | 出版年 (Date) | ISBN/ISSN |
1 | 青木昌彦・伊丹敬之 | 『企業の経済学』 | 岩波オンデマンドブックス | 2016 | 9784007304910 |
2 | 池本正純 | 『企業家とはなにか』 | 八千代出版 | 2005 | 4842913414 |
3 | ボーモル | 『自由市場とイノベーション』 | 勁草書房 | 2010 | 4326503421 |
4 | 宮川努 | 『生産性とは何か』 | 筑摩書房 | 2018 | 4480071897 |