
Course Code etc
Academic Year 2024
College College of Contemporary Psychology
Course Code HM772
Class Format Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)
Class Format (Supplementary Items)
Campus Seminar
Campus Niiza
Semester Spring Semester
DayPeriod・Room Thu.4・N247
Credit 2
Course Number PSY2931
Language English
Class Registration Method Course Code Registration
Grade (Year) Required 配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。
prerequisite regulations
Acceptance of Other Colleges 履修登録システムの『他学部・他研究科履修不許可科目一覧』で確認してください。
course cancellation 〇(履修中止可/ Eligible for cancellation)
Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit
Relationship with Degree Policy 各授業科目は、学部・研究科の定める学位授与方針(DP)や教育課程編成の方針(CP)に基づき、カリキュラム上に配置されています。詳細はカリキュラム・マップで確認することができます。
Text Code HM772

【Course Objectives】

Understanding and effectively communicating psychology research in English is crucial, as English remains the primary language of the field. The English Expression in Psychology course, Level 1 (beginner level), focuses on developing foundational skills for presenting and discussing research in English. This includes learning basic presentation techniques, familiarization with academic terminology, and the ability to articulate and converse about research topics.

By the end of the semester, students are expected to have a good grasp of the common expressions and terminology frequently used in psychological research. Additionally, they should have acquired the essential skills needed to clearly express and discuss research content. This course lays the groundwork for effective communication in an academic setting, particularly in the context of psychology.

【Course Contents】

This beginner-level course is designed to equip students with the foundational skills necessary for presenting psychology and related research in English. Throughout the course, we will cover a diverse range of topics in psychology, focusing on learning relevant terminology and the fundamentals of structuring effective presentations.

The course structure includes a variety of interactive activities such as group work, class discussions, and mini-presentations. These activities are specifically aimed at developing presentation skills and enhancing students' ability to communicate research findings coherently and confidently in English. Each session will build on the last, progressively guiding students in the art of academic presentation.

A significant component of the course is practical application. Students will engage in group activities and discussions, gaining hands-on experience in crafting and delivering presentations. This approach not only reinforces their understanding of psychological concepts but also improves their public speaking and presentation skills.

By the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and progress through a final presentation, lasting 10-15 minutes, on a psychology-related topic of their choice.

The goal is to ensure that students leave the course not only with a deeper understanding of psychology topics but also with the confidence and ability to present these topics effectively in an academic setting.

※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.