日本語 English
開講年度/ Academic YearAcademic Year |
20242024 |
科目設置学部/ CollegeCollege |
キリスト教学研究科/Graduate School of Christian StudiesGraduate School of Christian Studies |
科目コード等/ Course CodeCourse Code |
NH333/NH333NH333 |
テーマ・サブタイトル等/ Theme・SubtitleTheme・Subtitle |
ヘイト、災害などで「居場所」を喪った/奪われた人びとの生から学ぶ Learning from the life of “displaced” peoples who have lost their places because of hate crimes, disasters, and so on. |
授業形態/ Class FormatClass Format |
対面(全回対面)/Face to face (all classes are face-to-face)Face to face (all classes are face-to-face) |
授業形態(補足事項)/ Class Format (Supplementary Items)Class Format (Supplementary Items) |
授業形式/ Class StyleCampus |
演習・ゼミ/SeminarSeminar |
校地/ CampusCampus |
池袋/IkebukuroIkebukuro |
学期/ SemesterSemester |
通年/Full yearFull year |
曜日時限・教室/ DayPeriod・RoomDayPeriod・Room |
金4・5212/Fri.4・5212 Fri.4・5212 |
単位/ CreditCredit |
22 |
科目ナンバリング/ Course NumberCourse Number |
CHS6813 |
使用言語/ LanguageLanguage |
その他/OthersOthers |
履修登録方法/ Class Registration MethodClass Registration Method |
科目コード登録/Course Code RegistrationCourse Code Registration |
配当年次/ Grade (Year) RequiredGrade (Year) Required |
配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。配当年次は開講学部のR Guideに掲載している科目表で確認してください。 |
先修規定/ prerequisite regulationsprerequisite regulations |
他学部履修可否/ Acceptance of Other CollegesAcceptance of Other Colleges |
履修登録システムの『他学部・他研究科履修不許可科目一覧』で確認してください。 |
履修中止可否/ course cancellationcourse cancellation |
-(履修中止制度なし/ No system for cancellation) |
オンライン授業60単位制限対象科目/ Online Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper LimitOnline Classes Subject to 60-Credit Upper Limit |
学位授与方針との関連/ Relationship with Degree PolicyRelationship with Degree Policy |
各授業科目は、学部・研究科の定める学位授与方針(DP)や教育課程編成の方針(CP)に基づき、カリキュラム上に配置されています。詳細はカリキュラム・マップで確認することができます。 |
備考/ NotesNotes |
隔週開講 学部科目AA201「フィールドワークA1」と併置 |
テキスト用コード/ Text CodeText Code |
NH333 |
Visiting Kawasaki, Yokohama, Tokyo (Shibuya) and Fukushima (online), students will learn from the testimonies of Christian practitioners and listen to the “voices” of people who are displaced by hate crimes, natural disasters, and poverty, and learn how easily people will be isolated and alienated from their own lives. This will also allow students to seek their own life course.
Before visiting the fields, we will focus on the history of these communities and inquire about what made the present situation. We will also learn the meaning of hearing the voices of others and the epistemology of hearing. By visiting two sites (Kawasaki, Yokohama: a day-trip, Fukushima: online lecture) and listening to the voices of the fields, you will not simply learn facts, but also try to connect yourself to the reality of people’s life asking “How will we live in this reality of multiple crises including the pandemic?” Dates for the field trips will be discussed with the students. Field trips might be changed to online depending on the COVID-19 situation.
※Please refer to Japanese Page for details including evaluations, textbooks and others.
Visiting Kawasaki, Yokohama, Tokyo (Shibuya) and Fukushima (online), students will learn from the testimonies of Christian practitioners and listen to the “voices” of people who are displaced by hate crimes, natural disasters, and poverty, and learn how easily people will be isolated and alienated from their own lives. This will also allow students to seek their own life course.
Before visiting the fields, we will focus on the history of these communities and inquire about what made the present situation. We will also learn the meaning of hearing the voices of others and the epistemology of hearing. By visiting two sites (Kawasaki, Yokohama: a day-trip, Fukushima: online lecture) and listening to the voices of the fields, you will not simply learn facts, but also try to connect yourself to the reality of people’s life asking “How will we live in this reality of multiple crises including the pandemic?” Dates for the field trips will be discussed with the students. Field trips might be changed to online depending on the COVID-19 situation.
1 | 前期のオリエンテーション:『見知らぬわがまち』を読む |
2 | 「喪失の経験」/「いまは目に見えないもの」 |
3 | 学生による発表(自分の「ふるさと」を表現する試み) |
4 | 風景の地層を掘る |
5 | 活動/運動と「声」あるいは「非−声」 |
6 | 「共生」という言葉と現実。「ヘイト」の乗り越えはいかに可能か |
7 | 前期のふりかえりとまとめ |
8 | 後期のオリエンテーション:「問い」をかみしめる |
9 | 福島/フクシマについて考える① |
10 | 福島/フクシマについて考える② |
11 | 学生による発表 |
12 | 現代の「貧困」について考える① |
13 | 現代の「貧困」について考える② |
14 | まとめとふりかえり |
板書 /Writing on the Board
スライド(パワーポイント等)の使用 /Slides (PowerPoint, etc.)
上記以外の視聴覚教材の使用 /Audiovisual Materials Other than Those Listed Above
個人発表 /Individual Presentations
グループ発表 /Group Presentations
ディスカッション・ディベート /Discussion/Debate
実技・実習・実験 /Practicum/Experiments/Practical Training
学内の教室外施設の利用 /Use of On-Campus Facilities Outside the Classroom
校外実習・フィールドワーク /Field Work
上記いずれも用いない予定 /None of the above
★紹介する参考資料を盛り込んだレジュメは、前日までにCanvas LMS等にアップするので、あらかじめ読み込んでおくことが望ましい。
種類 (Kind) | 割合 (%) | 基準 (Criteria) |
平常点 (In-class Points) | 100 |
出席および授業参加態度(70%) 発表(30%) |
備考 (Notes) | ||
その他 (Others) | |||||
なし |
No | 著者名 (Author/Editor) | 書籍名 (Title) | 出版社 (Publisher) | 出版年 (Date) | ISBN/ISSN |
1 | 丹野清人他編著 | 『わたしもじだいのいちぶです』 | 日本評論社 | 2019 | 9784535587281 |
2 | 山形孝夫ほか | 『3・11以後この絶望の国で』 | ぷねうま舎 | 2014 | 9784906791255 |
3 | 山田清機 | 『寿町のひとびと』 | 朝日新聞出版 | 2020 | 4023319139 |
その他 (Others) | |||||
以上のもの以外にも、適宜(映像資料等含む)、広く紹介する。 |